Lightweight 30th Anniversary Pins and Anna’s New Mug Design

Alumni should have already received details of these via email, but just in case you haven’t, here are the designs for pins commemorating the 30th anniversary of the first women’s lightweight Boat Race, and Anna Railton’s super new mug design to celebrate the move of the Women’s Blue Boats to the Tideway next year.

Those attending the Leander brunch on Sunday can purchase both there, but please email Julie ([email protected]) to guarantee a pin reservation. Mugs will be ready for Sunday, so if you’re not going to the brunch and want one, can you hold off contacting us until after the Henley Boat Races and we will sort you out with them next week. For those that want the previous (GDBO) design, we have also ordered another batch of those.

Lightweight 30th Anniversary Pin

P to M Mug Design